Thursday, August 20, 2009

CT to TX we finaly made it,

So i left on Monday with my cousin from ct to Texas and we Finlay arrived. We are currently staying in a motel until my husband who is the army and is temporally stationed down here sets up the condo. Hopefully by the end of the week we should be Set up.

In the mean time i have started the adoption process to adopt a little boy who has sever mental and medical disabilities. It is going to be a long process but we are ready for it. We have decided to adopt a child with a special need because all of our life's we have lived and worked with people with special needs and we believe that all children should have a family and equal opportunity in life.

We will be blogging about the journey for two reasons one is we want to have the journey on recored and two we want to educate and share our journey with the world.

So i will post latter i guess, thanks for reading CAL